Female Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence mostly attacks young women after the difficult delivery, but usually it a problem of women in age. The reason is the reducing of estrogen production during the menopause. The amount of this hormone is responsible for elasticity of the pelvic tissues and their ability to hold the ligament and muscle apparatus on the proper level. It influences negatively the tonus of urethra that leads to leaking of the urine during the slightest tension, for example, weight lifting, sneezing and coughing.

There are several types of urinary incontinence diagnosed among women. These are:

1. Stress incontinence. It occurs because of the increasing of abdominal pressure that can be caused by any tension cases described above.

2. Urgent incontinence. In this case, a woman simply does not react on the strong wish to urinate in time. Sometimes the amount of urine in bladder can be quite little.

3. The mixed type that combines both of them.

Any type causes additional stress for a woman that makes the pathology constant.

The main reasons of urinary incontinence appearance are different, but mostly they are connected with nervous stress and overwhelming. Here are the most wide spread of them.

1. Difficult, traumatic delivery. The problem is not only the tears of soft pelvic tissues, but also the overstretching of the pelvic muscles.

2. Overweight is one of the provoking factors of its appearance.

3. Gynecological operations such as cyst or tumor removal on the ovaries or uterus.

4. Menopause hormonal change. The sphincter is getting loose because of loss of muscular elasticity.

5. Female anatomic specialties. There are certain reasons why the matters of incontinence are more common for women than for men. The female urethra has length about 3-4 cm and width 6-10 mm, male – 24-30 cm and 4-7 mm. Therefore, the female pelvic muscles need to be very strong to hold the urine in a bladder.

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