Veneers Pros And Cons

Nowadays cosmetic dentistry allows correcting any drawback that your teeth may have. Everybody wants to have a beautiful smile and thanks to the modern dentistry technologies, it is possible no matter how ruined your teeth may be. There are many ways that may help your teeth to gain beautiful look, and veneering became quite a popular service of the stomatology clinics. What veneering actually is? This procedure means putting special onlays on your damaged teeth that look exactly as natural healthy teeth. Such onlays are called veneers. They can be made of composite materials, zirconium or porcelain. Ceramic veneers can be made only in the laboratory conditions as any other kind of them except the composite ones. They are considered the most aesthetic looking and the longest lasting on the conditions of proper care. During the veneer production time, a special temporary onlay is set on the grinded surface of your tooth.

Thus, let us figure out dental veneers pros and cons. Among their undoubted pluses are:

1. Ceramic veneers fully imitate the enamel surface. They naturally repeat the anatomic building of the tooth.

2. They are very resistible to temperature change, endurable enough and are able to bear high intensiveness of usage.

3. The procedure itself is quite fast, 1-2 visits to dentist are enough.

4. The required grinding of the natural tooth is very gentle.

5. They are shiny and white.

6. Veneers allow to remove such defects as cracks on the enamel.

There are also some minuses.

1. Porcelain veneers are not that resistible, they are quite fragile.

2. If the proper care is not performed, porcelain veneers can break, and composite – cover with cracks.

3. Teeth must be grinded before the onlaying, so they will not ever be the same again.

4. That leads to a conclusion that patient will have to wear veneer during all his life.

5. Composite veneers lose their shine and color with time, and require regular change (once in 3-5 years).

6. Veneers made of composite material do not look very aesthetic.

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