Tooth Implants Abruption

So, you've consulted your family dentist, made all the necessary preparations and finally done your tooth implantation operation. Everything usually goes fine in 95-97%, because nowadays dental medicine is highly developed and equipped by the newest technologies. But sometimes it happens so that the implant won't fit in and gets abrupt.

Why does it happen? Sometimes the reason is low professionalism of the tooth surgeon (that's why it's better not to try to save money and to do the operation in the best tooth clinic with high qualified specialists), sometimes the reason is wrong care about fresh implant and not sticking to doctor's recommendations. How do you know that your tooth implant is abrupt?

  • Heavy bleeding that cannot be stopped.
  • Edema and inflammation of the gum.
  • Strong pain that can't be tamed by the analgesics.
In the first 2-3 days after the operation it's quite normal if you have a little puffiness in your gum, slight bleeding or pain p still you survived an operation and your gum was damaged. But if these symptoms won't pass but get worsen, you should call your family dentist as soon as possible, because the tooth implant is likely to get abrupt.
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